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Fake Viral Photo of Beto O’Rourke Wetting Himself Is Actually (Sandy) Alex G After Spilling Beer

Certain conservative circles have been circulating a photo online that they purport to be Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke wetting himself at a party when he was younger. A few of them have even referred to the person in the photo as “Mr. Pissy Pants” or, less respectfully, simply “pissy pants.” The photo that is being spread around is not of O’Rourke, though, and is actually of the Philadelphia rock musician Alex Giannascoli, better known as (Sandy) Alex G. got in touch with Giannascoli to confirm the photo was of him, and he explains that it was taken backstage at a show in New York City in summer 2017. “I spilled a beer on my pants,” Giannascoli said. “I was joking around. It obviously isn’t that funny anymore.”

Still, Giannascoli seems to be embracing the absurdity of the situation, even posting one of the memes created out of the photo to his Instagram page that declares “I’M BETO ROBERT FRANCIS O’ROURKE I’M HERE FOR YOUR GUNS.”

While (Sandy) Alex G neither pissed himself at party nor is he a presidential candidate, he did just release a great new album, House Of Sugar, which you can listen to and read all about here. Maybe O’Rourke can adopt Alex G as one of his new walkout songs.


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This story originally appeared on Stereogum.