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Bjork’s ‘Vulnicura’ Art Comes Alive in New ‘Moving Album Cover’

We’ve seen part of Björk’s new visual (which Björk officially labels a “moving album cover”) for her Vulnicura cut “Family” before — a still from it was featured as the cover art for the record’s physical release. But now it brings the strange, molten statue of Björk with a gash in her chest — that doesn’t not look like a vagina — to life. The Icelandic singer starts out as a cold grey statue, before overflowing with a purple goo and eventually becoming flesh again and stitching herself back together. Andrew Thomas Huang, who also directed the “Black Lake” video from Björk’s MoMA retrospective, directed this one too. Watch it below, and look for the physical release in the U.S. March 24.