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Fat Joe and JLo Throw an Opulent Party in Their Flashy Video

Fat Joe Da Gangsta, <i>Represent</i> (Relativity)

Fat Joe and Jennifer Lopez throw one hell of an extravagant party in the music video for their song “Stressin,” the first collaboration between the two since 2005’s “Hold You Down.”

Fat Joe (who’s looking more like Fairly Fit Joe these days) and JLo (who, duh, looks amazing), certainly aren’t worried about how opulently expensive everything about their celebration looks, though we’re assuming Fat Joe learned his lesson and paid taxes on all the bling, booze, and an absurdly large chandelier this time.

The song itself isn’t quite as bold as the video is, but it’s punched-up by 2014’s mandatory occasional blast of horns (see: Ariana Grande, Jason Derulo, Cheryl Cole, etc). “Stressin” will be on Fat Joe’s upcoming eleventh studio album (via MTV). Maybe play it at your next party and dream big while you drink cheap beer out of plastic cups.