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It Sounds Like Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Really Mailed His Beard Hair to Azealia Banks

Vanity Fair‘s Nick Bilton dropped a parenthetical bombshell in his report today on how little Twitter’s board of directors reportedly cares about CEO Jack Dorsey’s public antics and college-stoner management style. Explaining that, having written a book about Twitter, he regularly receives gossip about Dorsey, Bilton wrote, “Once, a source who worked with him told me Dorsey had sent a rapper his beard shavings to make him an amulet that would protect him from evildoers.”

The rapper who allegedly received Dorsey’s facial hair, I’m very excited to share, was Azealia Banks. She tweeted about this exchange in 2016, writing that Dorsey “sent me his hair in an envelope because i was supposed to make him an amulet for protection.” At the time, Banks said Dorsey promised to promote her mixtape Slay-Z in exchange for her promoting his cash transfer app Square and her crafting him a magical object that might protect him from ISIS, which had threatened Dorsey in a video earlier that year. (Dorsey never tweeted about the project and presumably never received the amulet.)

It appears Bilton never pursued the rumor, but it sure seems like a weird thing for a Dorsey colleague to fabricate. I choose to accept this as more vindication of Banks’ impressive reporting on the strange lifestyles of tech billionaires. If something bad happens to Dorsey, we’ll know for sure.