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Pussy Riot Rush the Field in Protest at 2018 World Cup Finals

If you were watching the 2018 World Cup Finals on Sunday in Moscow, you may have seen four protesters take the field dressed in old-fashion police uniforms in the game’s second half. Just after the event, Moscow punk band (and known enemies of the Russian state) Pussy Riot took to Twitter to claim responsibility for the stunt, sharing a list of demands for the Russian government regarding prison reform and free elections.

Citing Russian poet Dmitriy Prigov’s images of the heavenly and earthly policemen as inspiration, the group demand that the Russian government let its political prisoners free, stop illegal arrests at rallies, and allow for competition in presidential elections, among other requests. “The FIFA World Cup has reminded us of the possibilities of the heavenly policeman in the Great Russia of the future, but the earthly policeman entering the ruleless game breaks our world apart,” they write. The group also uploaded a video of three members reading the statement along with footage of the World Cup protest.

Earlier this year, two Pussy Riot members were detained by authorities upon attempting to enter into Crimea, both of which were later found after going missing. In March, they released a new single on the day of the Russian presidential elections that took aim at president Vladimir Putin. Watch footage of their World Cup protest below, as well as the video from the collective.