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Hear Grimes’ Goofy, ‘Grinch’-Referencing Holiday Track ‘Christmas Song II’

grimes christmas song II grinch default genders jay worthy

While we’re getting belated holiday gifts from all over the dial, few of the musical presents have been as full of the specific campy joy of the season as a track that Grimes released Friday called “Christmas Song II (grinch).” Produced in collaboration with her stepbrother Jay Worthy and her partner James Brooks (who’s known for his Elite Gymnastics and Default Genders projects), this new holiday cut is a Charlie Brown Christmas-sampling rap track that features Grimes on the delightfully profane chorus (“It’s motherfucking Christmas! / I’m the Grinch, motherfucker!”).

Brooks surrealist poetry and Worthy’s similarly goofy wordplay make for pretty stark contrast to the sugar-rush chorus, but it all melds together in a fairly heartwarming way. Be sure to check out the video above, which features some bottle chugging, blunt-rolling, and an axe-wielding weirdo among other holiday-themed non sequiturs. But even though Grimes is in the midst of recording her next full-length LP, don’t expect this to show up anywhere near there; she says this is “not a serious piece of art in any capacity.”