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Perfect Pussy and Nardwuar Talk ‘Sex Bands’ and Prom Dresses

Nardwuar Perfect Pussy Video

You know you’ve made it in the indie world when Nardwuar interviews you. Just a few weeks after turning heads at SXSW and releasing their debut LP Say Yes to Love, Perfect Pussy’s ascent continues via a chat with none other than the Human Serviette himself. Taking place at Vancouver’s Noize to Go Records, the interview mainly focuses on Nardwuar interviewing signer Meredith Graves, though he does make time for her four band-dudes.

Among the many topics covered: Graves’ love for Kool Keith, the fact that their van is named “Chastity,” the use of Graves’ blood in a Valentine’s Day vinyl release, comic books, hot dogs, Christian punks MxPx, and Graves’ other job at prom-dress store Boom Babies (really). It’s a sweet, honest, and funny chat, with some very intelligent things said by the band that counteract Nardwuar’s constant goading to say the p-word. Enjoy it above.