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Conan O’Brien’s Ultra Versatile iPhone

When Apple unveiled the iPhone early last week, bloggers hyped the new gadget to great heights by praising its all-in-one versatility and ability to conquer tasks previously tackled by three, four, or even five devices. And after forcing the new technological phenomenon on our boggled and slowly singeing brains for days on end, bloggers began to ease off the iPhone just as comics and comedians began to pick it up.

Ranking in as one of the most viewed viral videos on the net, Conan O’Brien’s iPhone commercial — which debuted on YouTube Jan. 12 — depicts an iPhone more resourceful than MacGyver. Stepping in as an electric razor, condiment dispenser, grenade, and even a condom, the spoof iPhone breaks new ground and spreads Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ faux splendor across the Internet like SARS.

Now Watch This:

Here’s what the blogosphere is saying about Conan’s iPhone commercial:

“Lame…they could’ve made it look more like an actual iPod commercial instead of like some lame infomercial. Like a lift off of the “Mac & PC” commercial or an iPod commercial.” mvilimek,

“It is so true though, most of the new phones out in the market with a lot of features are hard to use to make a phone call!” botchok5,

“Unjust criticism is a disguised compliment.” wondrack,

“It’s also a cell phone?” bddoc,

Talk: What will the iPhone do next? COMMENT

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