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Canada Seeks Ban of MP3 Players in Cars

In light of recent reports that find accident rates involving motorists using MP3 players on the rise, the Canadian Automobile Association has called for the adoption of rules that would prohibit drivers from using electronic music devices. “It is our hope that a preventative measure like this one will create a generation of motorists who recognize the severe implications of driver distractions,” CAA President David Flewelling said. Safety experts have found that the majority of traffic accidents are attributable to distraction by way of fiddling with electronic gadgets or wearing headphones from them that drown out vital traffic noise.

Here’s what the people are saying:

“Since I purchased my iPod, I actually spend less time diddling the music. I build my playlists whilst at home in front of the computer; I choose my playlist before I start rolling, and I don’t have to touch the damned thing again for hours.” — Steve White,

“Shouldn’t it be DWi (Driving While iPodding)?” — heychadwick,

“Don’t try to solve a problem by making cell phones and iPods illegal in a car. Solve the problem at the root cause: Drivers with no driving education or knowledge of what they are actually doing by driving a car!” — I hate bad drivers,

“I’ll be the first to admit that my driving abilities are sometimes hindered by my iPod. I am forced to look down when switching between podcasts and when rating songs, which I probably don’t need to be doing while driving.” — Matt Sidesinger,

Talk: Do you wear headphones or fiddle with your MP3 player when you drive? COMMENT

On the Web: Canadian Automobile Association