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Eric André Has a New Adult Swim Show Featuring Fred Durst and Joey Badass

Eric André, along with Hot Package‘s Derrick Beckles, are producing a new show for Adult Swim called Mostly 4 Millennials. The series’ first trailer introduces a garish game-show-like world that looks to be more in the tradition of ’90s Nickelodeon shows and Tim and Eric’s Jim and Derrick parodies. The jokes: very topical and of-the-moment. The clip also teases apparent cameos (or maybe main roles, if we cross our fingers) from Joey Badass and Fred Durst (billed as “DJ Durst.”) It’s out July 1st on Adult Swim. If you’re wondering what Fred Durst has been up to recently, we have answers for you: He’s hard as work on a new psychological thriller called Moose starring John Travolta. In an interview, Travolta called it “maybe my favorite experience I’ve had.” Mostly 4 Millennials will premiere on July 1 on Adult Swim; watch the trailer below.