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New Matt & Kim Song: “Good Ol’ Fashion Nightmare”


It appears all those joyous yea, yeahs, plus general indie adorability and a steady stream of blog love, have landed lo-fi Brooklyn duo Matt & Kim in a spiffy new studio for Grand, the follow up to their eponymous 2006 debut. So after two years of playfully gallivanting the world’s small stages, what did this couple cook up with their newfound recording budget? Essentially the exact same dish — just a little, um, grander.

Aside from booming, digitally enhanced drums (very much not what Kim produces live), “Good Ol’ Fashioned Nightmare” is quintessentially Matt & Kim: chirping sing-alongs, prancing keys, and preschool-style melodies that roll off your tongue whether you want them to or not. And the added production fares well, with layered keyboard, booming drums, and Matt’s dork-ified camp counselor vocal demeanor even further forward. An improvement, for sure — but one question remains: Will this new, busier and bigger sound force Matt & Kim to open up their onstage relationship?

Download the new Matt and Kim track “Good Ol’ Fashion Nightmare” here.