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Jack White Marriage Prank?

Oh, those White Stripes, always shrouded in mystery (and sometimes deceit). A post on the band’s official Web site claims that Jack White shared nuptials yesterday (June 1) with model Karen Elson during a small ceremony “on the confluence of three rivers — the Rio Negro, the Solimones, and the Amazon — in the Amazon basin in the city of Manaus, Brazil.” More specifically, the post continues, “They were married by a Shaman priest on a canoe at the exact point where the three rivers meet.” Ian Montone, the band’s manager, was the best man, while Meg White served as maid of honor, according to the post. But, as with most Stripes news, there’s a bizarre kicker. “This was the first marriage for both newlyweds,” claims the last sentence of the announcement. Huh? Didn’t this Meg-Jack marriage business get settled years ago?