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Morrissey Alleges He Was Sexually Assaulted at San Francisco Airport

UPDATE: The TSA responded to Rolling Stone in a statement:

TSA takes all allegations of misconduct seriously and strives to treat every passenger with dignity and respect. Upon review of closed circuit TV footage, TSA determined that the supervised officer followed standard operating procedures in the screening of this individual.

Morrissey claims that during a recent stop at San Francisco International Airport, a security officer “sexually assaulted” him. In a post on True to You, he wrote:

At 2:30 in the afternoon I went through the usual airport security procedure including the stand-up ‘scanner’, and all was well – no bleeps and nothing unusual.

Before I could gather my belongings from the usual array of trays I was approached by an “airport security officer” who stopped me, crouched before me and groped my penis and testicles. He quickly moved away as an older “airport security officer” approached.

Morrissey was accompanied at the time of the alleged assault by two employees of the British Airways Special Services, “who were horrified at the sexual attack and suggested that I lodge a complaint.” Read the entire accusation here.