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The Wrens Have Finally Finished Their ‘Meadowlands’ Follow-Up

The Wrens New Album Meadowlands Complete

Update: The Wrens say they’ve finally — actually, really — sent their album out to be mastered. Read their entire Facebook post (worth every second of your time) here.

After a decade of toiling away at their now-mythological follow-up to 2003’s The Meadowlands, guitarist Charles Bissell has announced that the Wrens have finally completed their new album.

In a blog post to the band’s website, the guitarist notes that a recent battle with a combination of strep and pneumonia, which led to complications like a collapsed lung and renal failure, prompted the final push to complete the album.

“For me personally, this whole thing has changed a bunch of stuff,” Bissell wrote. “Including priorities that have kept me toiling away on music to the exclusion of a lot of other things. So that’ll change. Not sure what that means but it’ll be a lot more healthy. What it means more immediately is an end to the chasing of perfectionism with this record, which is only ever in part about the illusion of perfection anyway.”

Toward the end of the post he joked that “if the Hold Steady hadn’t beaten us to it, [the band] would probably now call it The Wrens Almost Killed Me,” but as of now the record’s official title hasn’t been revealed. The record will soon be headed to mastering. You can read the full blog post over at the Wrens site.