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Stream Vic and Gab’s Sweetly Jangling ‘Love of Mine’ Album

Vic and Gab

Vic and Gab won’t release their full-length debut album, Love of Mine, until July 9 via Blue Lola Records, but you can hear the whole thing exclusively below. The Milwaukee sister duo has previously shared the winsome, emotive “Come and Stay” and a sun-dappled video for the effervescent, similarly lovesick “Let You Down.” The full album reveals how deeply Victoriah and Hannah Gabriela plumb their jangling, melody-oriented niche, from keyboard-anchored anthem “Crazy Love” to bouncy call-to-dance “When You Walk in the Room.” This love of theirs is specific and subtle, but they know it well, and it shows.

:audio=0:115015:playlist:Vic and Gab, Love of Mine: